The story of Eureka vacuum begins in Detroit, Michigan, in 1909, with a man named Fred Wardell. Within three years, Eureka vacuum cleaner sales company, the six models of vacuum cleaner, which also came with the job of cleaning for different specialized tools. Eureka vacuum cleaner because they were lighter and better designed than its competitors and had such innovative structures, including a hairDryer was the Eureka prize at the San Francisco International Exposition awarded in 1915. Within five years, Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Company factory was capable of producing about 2,000 a day from their 3.5 hectares of Detroit. A decade later, in 1930, Eureka has been producing electric cookers.
In 1942, Eureka was the production of vacuum cleaners in Detroit factory to produce gas masks and other objects in the world to support the war effort duringWorld War II. After the war, Eureka merged with Williams Oil-O-Matic, a company known for its business of heating and the Eureka-Williams Company. By the end of 1940, Eureka-Williams became known for a hearing as "the lungs of wood," which was to treat people suffering from polio and used for children affected by polio. A decade later, in 1957, Williams returned to Eureka to its roots and has started to focus on cleaner products and floor careagain.
Over time, Eureka-Williams expands its reach in the production of school furniture, the introduction of the Henney Kilowatt (car battery) and even a thermal battery for the counting of NASA. In 1974, Eureka-Williams was acquired by AB Electrolux, a Swedish company, and the name was changed to The Eureka Company. For the next twenty years the company has expanded its operations Eureka to production facilities in Mexico, Texas and Illinois.
In early 2000, The EurekaCompanies have started offering Eletrolux cleaner, vacuum and Novartis in 2004, the company officially changed its name to Electrolux Home Care Products North America. In 2009, Eureka has celebrated 100 years of history and brand innovation. Today, Eureka is a part of the building products division of the Electrolux brand and continue to focus on how to vacuum cleaners and other cleaning agents with three other people: Electrolux, Electrolux Central Vacuum SystemsSanitaire.
There are all sorts of cleaning products under the brand name Eureka only, which includes not only post and cans, but a cleaner house built systems and steam, just to name a few. Eureka is coupled with arm & Hammer products to produce a new generation of vacuum cleaners and filtered curvature of the line of consumer products on the market.
As well as developing new projects andinnovative products, Eureka still sucks manufacture of spare parts for nearly all makes and models. Always at the forefront of innovation, Eureka products continue to impress the market with its ability to conduct quality and value still meet or exceed environmental standards, cleaner. As the excitement continues to grow on
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