วันพุธที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What you should know to clean hardwood floors - a list Supplies

Cleanliness of the floor is a simple and easy. Here are the supplies you need to clean wood floors.

1. Broom with soft bristles
Broom with soft bristles, ideal for wooden floors because there is no way to cause scratches on the wood. Broom with soft bristles can also be reached in the grooves between the strips of wood or planks for easy cleaning of dust and dirt that is stuck between. Here you will find a broom with soft bristles or on-lineCleaning products to save in A. Choose a wide brush, preferably about 24 cm. Soft brushes are also available, full of beautiful black border and Tampico bristles horse hair beautiful. Alternatively, you can soft plastic brushes are cheaper. However, price range soft broom is that a few dollars, it would be better to have a selection of the best.

2. Dusting
Although you can remove dust ordinary, they could patrol the groundor even leave scratches. Use a clean sponge or mop instead of a microfiber dust. dust microfiber towels have the advantage of actually attract dust and allergens, while broom, making it easier to clean wood floors. In addition microfiber cloth to clean dust and wipe Terry Polish is excellent for wood and use cleaner and wood.

Third vacuum cleaner and a soft brush
Because wood floors are often wet, when the dust and debris would be cleanedeasier to use to clean with a vacuum cleaner. Most vacuum cleaners are already complete with a soft brush attachment for hardwood products. However, if you have a vacuum cleaner, and you do not have these tags, you can buy online or cleaning of the plant saved. Normally, a soft brush attachment costs $ 30.

4. Wood cleaning solution and polish
Check the wood and cleaning solvents, polishestheir suitability for the type of wood you buy to clean first. wood floor cleaner and polish the spirit must be made safe timber are cleaned with the product. Cleaner and polish the wood should be able to Excellent, so you can easily take it with dirt and grease build up on floors. This wood cleaner and polish the floor of the new original luster. Alternatively, use a mild detergent and water for as long aspH levels are maintained for wood. Some wood polish and cleaning solutions are refreshing scents instead of the strong smell of wax.

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